Developing Strong Leaders for the Commercial Equipment Leasing & Finance Industry

Wheeler Business Consulting LLC

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Training & Executive Coaching

Wheeler Business Consulting LLC offers training for sales, credit, operations, and portfolio manager professionals. Wheeler Business Consulting LLC provides group training classes and one-on-one executive coaching for seasoned professionals and managers, individuals who are transitioning into new positions, and professionals who are just starting their careers in the commercial equipment leasing and finance industry. Scott Wheeler offers a comprehensive understanding of every aspect of the leasing and finance process and assists professionals in realizing their full potential.

On-Site Training

On-Site Sales Training

Wheeler Business Consulting LLC offers customized one-, two-, or three-day training programs designed for sales teams of all sizes and experience. Prior to the training, an extensive interview process is conducted with the management team to ensure the content is properly aligned with the strategy of the client. The on-site sessions are interactive and engaging, with exercises for team building and individual enrichment. Multi-day sessions may include one-on-one strategic discussions with the marketing management team and individual coaching for the sales staff. The on-site training programs include follow-up coaching sessions with the management and the sales team. On-site sales training is excellent for monthly, quarterly, or annual sales meetings.

On-Site Training for Credit,
Operations, & Portfolio Management

Wheeler Business Consulting LLC offers customized training programs designed for operations teams. Prior to the training, an extensive interview process is conducted with the management team to ensure the content is properly aligned with the strategy of the client. The training focuses on best practices in the industry and identifying bottlenecks in the current processes. The first priority is to protect asset quality and to create processes for sustainable portfolios. Integration between sales, credit, documentation, funding, and portfolio management is essential for long-term sustainability.

Executive Coaching

Wheeler Business Consulting LLC offers customized, one-on-one coaching for all individuals engaged in the equipment leasing and finance industry (i.e., owners, managers, originators, sales personnel, credit personnel, etc.). Prior to engaging the service, an extensive interview process is conducted with the participant, and expectations, objectives, and challenges are discussed to set the agenda. The participant sets most of the agenda; however, each session includes analysis and suggestions by Scott Wheeler. Most coaching sessions include a minimum of four one-hour sessions and are facilitated through a webinar conference call format. One-on-one coaching is an excellent tool for individuals looking to move to the next level of their career development and for managers seeking better outcomes for their team members.